Tariff of Consultancy

magyarul English

Travel to an address in Budapest 21.000 HUF
out of Budapest from the border of Budapest back to it, by km, max. 150 km distance from Budapest 230 HUF
out of Budapest from the border of Budapest back to it, by km, more than 150 km distance from Budapest 320 HUF
Consultancy, by hour 42.000 HUF
Writing letters in English, by page 21.000 HUF
Writing letters in Hungarian, by page 11.000 HUF
Phone and postal charges according to relevant tariffs

The above prices do not contain VAT.

Our above prices contain only the price of our administrational work, so every other charges should be considered as costs in respect of the client's order, which the client should recover according to our invoice.

14 Jan 2024


Import - export contact


import-export consultant

For import-export consulting, contact Tamás Nietsch at the following contact details:
